• Jenuary 2019 ~ December 2019

    Designing Interactive Contents on Smart Speaker
    공공 문화/예술/관광 콘텐츠 서비스를 위한 챗봇 프레임워크 개발

    - Project with Korea Creative Content Agency, KOCCA
    - My Role : Main Developer, Research Assistant
    Developing a smart speaker service that curates classical music, named Classic Mate(CM). Each day one pair of classical musics are provided with simple explanations based on user's response.

  • September 2018 ~ December 2018

    Next step for Conversational Agents
    Bixby, Next step에 대한 고민 :UX관점에서

    - Project with Samsung Electronics
    - My Role : Research Assistant

  • May 2018 ~ September 2018

    Culture Concierge & Preference Collection
    공공 문화/예술/관광 콘텐츠 서비스를 위한 챗봇 프레임워크 개발

    - Project with Korea Creative Content Agency, KOCCA
    - My Role : Research Assistant
    Developing a smart speaker service that curates events in various domains such as, but not limited to, classical music, musicals, plays, and concerts. Investigating the potential use of user preference data on various everyday objects to supplement the recommendation of cultural events.

  • March 2018 ~ May 2018

    Designing Home Entertainment AI Service Concept
    공간 특화 Home Entertainment AI 컨셉 발굴

    - Project with LG Electronics
    - My Role : Research Assistant


  • February 2020

    How do users react to interactive contents on smart speaker?

    Byunghi Ko, Jeongbok Lee, Soomin Lee, Joongseek Lee

    In Proc. of the HCIK ’20: Human Computer Interaction Korea. 2020.